1952 Clippings

On-going Research - Last updated 14 September 2014
7th January 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Alderman Denton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Since the last meeting of your Committee, resignations as set out in Appendix “F” have been received.
Appendix “F”
District No. 2
Name & Age:                                  Bennett, L.W. (32)
Designation:                                   Gdnr. 2nd Cl.
Where employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                                 16.11.51
Length of Service:                          2 mths
Termination of Services
I beg to submit in Appendix “G” a list of employees whose services have been terminated on the dates stated, as their services were unsatisfactory and ..................
Appendix “G”
Termination of Services
District No. 2
Name & Age:                                  Carter, B.N. (19)
Designation:                                   Gdn. Boy
Where employed:                           King’s Heath Pk.
Length of Service:                          5 mths.
Date Ceased:                                 16.11.51
Improved Service Pay
I beg to submit in Appendix “H” a list of applications received and recommended for the Committee’s approval, the payments to take effect from the dates stated.
Appendix “H”
Improved Service Pay
District No. 2
Name & Age:                                 Gittus, T.W. (73)
Designation:                                   Gdn. Lab.
Where employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:                         4.6. 40
Grant Recommended:                    6/-
To date from:                                  1.10.51
Non-Manual Staff - Annual Increments Recommended, 1st April, 1952
Attached to this report is a schedule setting out the present salaries, gradings, age, length of service, etc., of the members of the staff of your Department, together with details of appropriate automatic increases within approved grades where holders of the posts are eligible.  Such increases are automatic, subject to no adverse report being submitted against any of the officers concerned.  In none of the cases which qualify for increment have I any adverse comments to make upon the officers set out in the schedule.  I therefore recommend that the appropriate increases be implemented with effect from the 1st April, 1952
The Committee’s approval is desired.
List of Salaries of Non-Manual Staff and Recommendations for Increases to take effect from the 1st April, 1952
Name:                                                         Whiteley, AA.
Present Designation:                                  Pk.Supt; K. Heath Pk.
Age as at 1st Apr. 1952:                              54
Length of service as at 1st Apr. 1952:         20
Present Grade:                                           APT. IV. (Max)
Present salary (incl. emoluments if any):    £575
Value of emoluments (if any):                     £65
Min. & Max. Salaries within Grade:             £530-575
Increment Appropriate to Grade:                 -
Salary recommended:                                 £575
Remarks                                                      Max. of Grade reached
Staff – Termination of Services
12017   Resolved:-   That the action taken in terminating the services of the employees listed in Appendix “G” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.

Improved Service Pay


12018   Resolved:-   That authority be given for the payment of Improved Service Pay to the employees named in Appendix “H” to the foregoing report, at the rates and from the dates stated therein, ..........................

Non-Manual Staff – Salary Increments
12025   Resolved:-  That authority be given for the payment of the appropriate salary scale increments to the non-manual staff as set out in the foregoing as from 1st April, 1952.
The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-
Fencing round Report & Control Centres in Parks and Recreation Grounds
I have to report that the Report & Control Centres which were constructed during the War still exist in the following parks and recreation grounds:-
Kings Heath Park is one of 10 parks listed.
Since the end of the War they have fallen into disuse and have been a constant source of trouble to the Parks Staff and Police at these sites, not only from the point of view of trying to prevent damage by children and youths, but from the fact they (sic) they form a dangerous playground for children who continually climb over the mounds of earth and the concrete entrances and jump down from a height of 8/10 ft.  Several children have, in fact, sustained injury in this way.
I have been informed by the Civil Defence Officer that these Control Centres are to be brought back into use for the purpose of training Civil Defence personnel under the direction of the Home Office, and following a suggestion made by this Department, he is prepared to have these sites fenced round to prevent access from the parks and to provide an independent entrance on the street frontage.  In this way the Control Centres can be used after dark without the necessity of the parks or recreation grounds being kept open to the public.
In a letter dated 14th December, the Civil Defence Officer states that his Committee will pay for the erection of a 5’6” high sawn oak open pale fence along the frontages shown in red on the drawings which will be available at your meeting.  The Committee will be aware that this fence is identical with the oak fences recently erected in many of the parks and recreation grounds.
Should your Committee approve this proposal, the Civil Defence Officer has requested that the necessary enquiries be sent out by this Department to our regular Fencing Contractors and that the site work be supervised by your Technical Staff, in order to ensure that it is carried out to the satisfaction of your Committee.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.
Fencing round Report & Control Centres in Parks and Recreation Grounds
12068   Resolved:-  That the Civil Defence Committee be informed that this Committee concur in the proposals for the bringing back into use of the various Defence Report and Control Centres in Parks and Recreations Grounds, as referred to in the foregoing report, it being understood that the Civil Defence Committee will bear the cost of the provision of the fencing referred to and that this Committee agree to co-operate with a view to obtaining tenders for such fencing and in the provision and erection thereof.
4th February 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Alderman Denton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Refreshment Tenancy – Kings Heath Park
Your Committee, by Minute No. 11,603, approved the City Estates Officer’s valuation figure of £45 per annum rental for the restaurant at King’s Heath Park, and instructed me to arrange the rental with the City of Birmingham Restaurants Department.  I have since received a reply to my letter from the Secretary, and an extract is set out below:-
“You will remember that this Department commenced catering operations at King’s Heath Park on the 26th August, 1950, in order that the continuity of service may be maintained but it was agreed that your Committee would undertake the interior repair and redecoration of the premises.  I understand that this work will be completed during this winter, and it is suggested that the full rental of £45 per annum would not be payable until such time as the premises are reasonably suitable for successful catering.  The catering so far has not been an economic proposition and I shall be pleased to receive your observations to the suggestion that an allowance of £20 to £25 be granted for the period 26th August, 1950 to 1st January, 1952.”
As the Restaurants Department were asked to provide continuity of service from the time the private refreshment caterer left, the allowance applied for appears to be a fair proposal, and your Committee’s instructions are desired.
Since the last meeting of your Committee, resignations as set out in Appendix “F” have been received.
Appendix “F”
District No. 2
Name & Age:                                 Jones, G.L. (16)
Designation:                                   Gdn. Boy.
Where employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                                 28.9.51
Length of Service:                          2 mths
Special Orders
Submitted in Appendix “N” are details of special orders which have been placed since your last meeting.  Provision for the expenditure referred to is made in the current year’s Estimates, and the Committee’s confirmation is requested.
Appendix “N”
Special orders
Kings Heath Park
230 yds Chestnut Fencing, 4’ 6”               Grosvenor Workmen,     £62. 0. 0.
80 Posts - 6’                                              Birmingham.
Order P.8351
Refreshment Tenancy – Kings Heath Park
12117   Resolved:-   That having regard to the circumstances set out in the foregoing report, an allowance of £20 be granted to the City of Birmingham Restaurants Department in respect of their refreshment tenancy at King’s Heath Park for the period 26th August, 1950 to the 1st January 1952.
Special Orders
12129   Resolved:-   That the action of the General Manager in relation to Special Orders, as detailed in Appendix “K” (sic) to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.
Alderman Denton submitted the following report of the Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee:-
King’s Heath Park – Re-surfacing to “Sons of Rest” Room
I have to inform your Committee that representation has been made by the Hon. Secretary of this Branch of the Federation, asking if the present linoleum floor covering could be renewed, this material having been presented by Mitchells & Bulters, Ltd. some ten years ago, and is now very dilapidated.
Certain small repairs have been carried out to the wood floor, but it is felt that in place of new linoleum a surface of jointless composition flooring suitable for placing on wood floors would be less costly and, at the same time, more permanent, and I have received a quotation for carrying out the necessary work from Byrne & Co. (Flooring) Ltd., Shirley, Birmingham, who specialise in the laying of this material.
The floor area to be covered is 56 square yards, and the quotation, amounting to £58-16-0 includes for providing and laying the surface material ¾“ thick on a light expanded metal reinforcement.
No provision is made in the current expenditure forecast for the work, and the Committee’s instructions as to the acceptance of this tender are desired.
King’s Heath Park – Re-surfacing to “Sons of Rest” Room
12140   Resolved:-   That approval be given to an expenditure of £58.16s 0d. on the provision and laying of Jointless Composition Flooring by Byrne & Co. (Flooring) Ltd. at the “Sons of Rest” room at King’s Heath Park, as referred to in the foregoing report, but that the General Manager be instructed to approach the Birmingham Federation of the “Sons of Rest” to ascertain whether they are in a position to obtain any contribution towards the foregoing expenditure.
The General Manager submitted the following report:-
Estimates, 1952-53
(This is a very long and complex report.   Appendix “C” to the report contains a specific item:-)
Repairs, Alterations and Improvements
(a)   Contract Work
Kings Heath Park
Repairs to roof of conservatory and snow guard               £300
Estimates 1952/53
12190   Resolved:-   That the estimates for the financial year 1952/53, as now submitted, be approved, and that the action taken in submitting the same to the City Treasurer be approved and confirmed.
4th February 1952 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 EF/6)
Kings Heath Park - Layout
Laying of Jointless Composition Flooring in Sons of Rest Room:  Contractor: Byrne & Co. Ltd.  Cost: £58. 16s.  Parks Committee Minute 12140 dated 4/2/52.
3rd March 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Alderman Denton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Horticultural Staff – Training Scheme
Upon the 31st July 1950, the General Committee by their Minute No. 10,332 approved a report of your Sub-Committee recommending the appointment of a Senior Horticulturist whose duties inter alia should include the introduction and operation of a Training Scheme in the Department for young gardeners, and a provision of further instructional facilities in the Department through the medium of lectures, etc.
In accordance with the terms of the Minute, as you are aware, such an officer was duly appointed, and in consultation with him, the following basis of a Training Scheme in the Department has been prepared and is now submitted for your approval.
Scope of Facilities to be provided
It is considered that Courses of Instruction should be provided to meet the following requirements:-
1)     An Apprenticeship Scheme providing facilities for instruction for Juniors recruited from both Secondary Modern and Grammar Schools.
2)     Courses for the further training of Adult Gardeners who have shown promise.
3)     Specialist instruction from time to time throughout the Department for particular reasons.
4)     The provision of facilities for the instruction of Apprentice Groundsmen.
Courses of Instruction for Junior Entrants
Recruitment would be from both Secondary Modern Schools and Grammar Schools.  All entrants would be subject to an Apprenticeship Agreement, and all receive the same opportunities during training.
Apprenticeship would be for a period of five (5) years, commencing on the 16th Birthday in the case of the Secondary Modern School boy, and immediately on entry into the Department with the Grammar School boy.  There would be a probationary period of six months, in which the Agreement could be revoked by either party, and a clause requiring the apprentice to apply for deferment from Military Service until the completion of the apprenticeship at age 21.
The hours of work would be those which apply to the normal Manual Staff, and no deductions from wages would be made for time lost whilst attending school.  The wage rates would be those laid down by the West Midlands Joint Industrial Council, which are:-
Age              Percentage
15                  40%   )
16                  50%   )
17                  60%   )
18                  70%   )  of the W.M.J.I.C. rate for
19                  80%   )  Gardeners 1st class
20                  90%   )
21                100%   )
A specimen of the full apprenticeship agreement is set out in Appendix “O”.
Scope of the Course
Instruction would be given for approximately six (6) hours a week during the five years of the apprenticeship.  The course would be designed primarily to equip the apprentices with a general knowledge of horticulture in all its branches, and with particular reference to public parks work.
The syllabus would, however, be sufficiently comprehensive to meet the requirements of the Junior and General Examinations of the Royal Horticultural Society, and the apprentices would be required to sit for these examinations.  The ultimate aim of the Course it is considered should not be to win examination awards, but to provide for the apprentice the means to acquire real professional ability.  Details of the subjects which would be taught are set out on page 13 of this report (Compilers note – see below).
For their practical work, the apprentices would be employed only in the senior graded parks, and in those containing glasshouses.  Each skilled gardener would be allocated two apprentices, who would work with him and under his guidance.  Arrangements would be made to transfer the boys at regular intervals from one site to another, including the Golf Course and the Shrub Nursery at Quinton.  As wide a practical training as possible within the Department would be received.  Arrangements could also be made for short term exchanges with apprentices of other towns and cities and apprentices working with well known nursery firms, for the purpose of gaining additional practical experience.
Boys between the ages of 15 and 16 would commence the Course of Instruction on entry into the Department, although the Apprenticeship Agreement would not be signed until the 16th birthday.
Training of Adult Gardeners
It is felt that the Scheme of Training would not be complete without making provision for the betterment of instructional facilities for the adult worker, as well as for the apprentice.  At the present time, the facilities which are available for the older employee who wishes to improve his knowledge and status are extremely limited.  The proposed Scheme of Training would meet this need and provide instruction at three levels – Preliminary, Advanced and Specialist.
The Preliminary Instruction would consist of a two year course in the principles and practices of horticulture, leading to the general examination of the Royal Horticultural Society.  Discussions have taken place between my Senior Horticulturist and the Staff of the College of Technology, with a view to commencing such a Course.  Classes would be held on two evening each week from 6.30 p.m. until 9 p.m.  This Course would be an open one, but designed primarily for the Adult Employees of the Parks Department who wish to sit for the Royal Horticultural Society’s General Examination.  Under the regulations laid down by the West Midlands Joint Industrial Council, employees who pass this examination receive a wage rate 7/- per week in excess of the rate for the Propagating Gardener Grade.  The charge to the Parks Department employee for this Preliminary Course of Instruction would be approximately 24/6d., and would be borne by the Department.  The Course would be open to all employees of the Parks Department.
The Advanced Instruction would be given in the form of a two year Course designed specifically to meet the requirements of the examinations for the National Diploma of Horticulture (Public Parks Section) and the Diploma of the institute of Park Administration.
The Intermediate examination would be taken at the end of the first year, and the final examination at the end of the second year.
This would be entirely a Parks Department Course run by the Parks Department of its own Adult Employees.
It is proposed that the men selected for this advanced training be classed as Propagating Gardeners (Trainee) and be held under agreement to serve with the Parks Department for a period of three years, including the period of training.
A copy of this Agreement which includes a three month probationary period is set out in Appendix “P” of this report.
The Trainees would undertake the normal duties and be subject to the working conditions and wage rates applicable to the Propagating Gardeners’ Grade (with the approved additional increment, if in possession of the Certificate of the General Examination of the Royal Horticultural Society) as laid down by the West Midlands Joint Industrial Council.  No charge would be made to the employee for instruction, and no deductions made from wages due to absence from work whilst attending classes.
A Certificate of Advanced Training would be awarded to all persons successfully completing the Course.
Employees wishing to be considered for the Course of Advanced Instruction would be required to satisfy the following conditions:-
1)         The applicant shall have reached the age of 21 by the 30th September in the year of application.
2)         The applicant has passed the General Examination of the Royal Horticultural Society.
3)         The applicant shall have been engaged full time for at least four years in practical horticulture by the 30th September in the year of application.
The Course would thus be open to all Adult Employees who had either:-
(a)        Completed a period of apprenticeship with the Parks Department and had passed the R.H.S. General Examination or
(b)       Shown interest and initiative by attending the Preliminary Course of Instruction at evening school and had passed the R.H.S. General Examination.
The Course would provide for the Department a body of highly skilled horticultural technicians for the purpose of filling the vacancies in the supervisory grades as and when they occur.
Specialist Training
Further to the interest of promoting efficiency and increasing knowledge amongst the horticultural staff, Specialist Instruction would be given in the form of lectures and demonstrations by horticulturists and others of outstanding ability in particular spheres of horticultural work.  Such instruction could take the form of a one day conference at which eminent horticulturists would be invited to speak on problems affecting public parks horticulture.  Such a conference would be held during normal working hours and would be attended by gardeners and other workers at the discretion of the General Manager.
No deduction would be made from employees’ wages due to loss of time whilst attending these lectures.
Training of Apprentice Groundsmen
The rapid growth of facilities for playing outdoor games and the ever increasing demand for more and better facilities has stressed the need for the trained craftsman in sports ground work.  Furthermore, the results of research into turf culture have shown that a scientific training is required in addition to manual skill.  It is suggested therefore, that there is a need for a scheme of training for the purpose of instructing young groundsmen in all matters relating to the management of turf.
Boys would be recruited direct from school, and at the age of 16, be indentured as apprentice groundsmen.  They would be subject to an Apprenticeship Agreement similar to that suggested for apprentice gardeners and conform to the same working conditions and wage rates.  During the first three years of the apprenticeship, the young groundsmen would receive instruction for approximately six hours a week on all aspects of turf culture.  During the final two years, the instruction would be mainly of a practical nature.
Details of the syllabus of this Course are set out on page 14 (Compilers note – see below).
Apprentice groundsmen would be employed only on Sports Grounds and Golf Courses, and the supervision of their daily practical work would be the direct responsibility of the Head Groundsman or Greenkeeper.
Arrangements would also be made for apprentice and adult groundsmen to attend short courses at the Sports Turf Research Institute, Bingley, Yorks.
Instructional Staffing Arrangements
It is considered that in the initial stages of the Scheme at least, the Instructional Staff for practical subjects can be recruited from within the resources of the Department without placing undue strain upon existing duties.  Such selected staff will naturally operate under the direction and subject to the co-ordination of the Senior Horticulturist, and would only be recruited on a voluntary basis.  It would, of course, be necessary for your Committee to give authority for such work to be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Course during normal working hours.  It is further suggested that after twelve months’ operation of the Scheme upon this basis, a progress report should be submitted to your Committee.
Site for Training Scheme
The Examinations of the Royal Horticultural Society require a knowledge of fruit and vegetables, in addition to the ornamental plants usually associated with public parks work.
Should your Committee approve the proposed Scheme of Training, it would be necessary to set aside a site in one of the parks, so that plants could be grown for instructional purposes, and where it would be possible to have a lecture room for about thirty students.
As indicated on the plan which will be available at your meeting, there is an area at King’s Heath Park which would be suitable for this purpose.
A walled garden (coloured blue on the plan) of approximately a third of an acre, could be used for growing vegetables with trained fruit trees on the walls.  Adjoining the garden is half an acre of land (coloured yellow on the plan) which could be used for growing fruit trees and bushes.  This land, which is screened from the public by a Thorn hedge, is at the present time divided into two allotments – one being occupied by Mr. Whiteley, the Superintendent of King’s Heath Park, and the other by Mr. Lusher, a retired employee of the Department, who is renting accommodation in King’s Heath Park House.  It is suggested that Mr. Whiteley be allowed to use the land coloured red on the plan, to compensate for the loss of his allotment area. This land, together with the walled garden is used at the present time for growing spring bedding plants, e.g. – Wallflowers, and it is proposed that these be grown at Quinton Nursery in the future.
The lean-to glasshouse is divided into three sections by glass partitions, and it would be possible to grow Peaches, Nectarines and Figs on the rear walls of two of the sections, without seriously interfering with the normal use of the glasshouse.  Further, when these sections have been emptied of summer bedding plants in May, the space could be utilised for growing Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Melons for instructional purposes.  The third section of this lean-to glasshouse would make an ideal vinery by a simple modification in the lay-out of the hot-water pipes, and would not seriously interfere with normal use for a period of four – five years.
The Conservatory attached to King’s Heath Park House could be filled with a mixed collection of glasshouse decorative plants for instructional purposes.  It could be open to the public and provide an attractive feature of the park.
The Drawing Room in King’s Heath Park House is vacant, and is suitable for use as a lecture room.  The fireplace is serviceable, and the gas lighting only requires slight attention.  (At present there is no electric in King’s Heath Park House).
Financial Aid for Training Scheme
The possibility of obtaining financial assistance towards the cost of the proposed staff training scheme has been investigated.
It should be borne in mind, however, that a body making such assistance would in all probability demand to exercise some control over the scheme, and it would cease to be operated on the sole authority of your Committee.  The possible sources of financial aid would be:-
(a)   The Ministry of Agriculture.
(b)   The Local Education Authority.
The advantages of this second source would be that the Education Committee would be responsible for the finance of the scheme to the extent of providing lecturers, books, class-room equipment, etc.  It would also appear probable that the lecturers would be selected and the syllabus of instruction compiled to the requirements of your Committee.
The disadvantage of this Course would be that the Training Scheme would be to some extent under the control of the Education Committee.
Further Observations
(1)               It is suggested that a booklet be prepared giving details of careers in Public Parks Horticulture and of the City of Birmingham Scheme.  This booklet could be circulated, with the co-operation of the Education Committee, to all schools, Young Peoples’ Organisations, etc.
(2)               It is also suggested that a projector be purchased and lantern slides made of the many attractive features of the Birmingham Parks, Sports Grounds, etc.
(3)               Girls and women need not be excluded from any of the Courses, should the Committee so desire.
Syllabus of Course of Instruction for Apprentice Gardeners
(1)           Soils – origin, characteristics and composition, soil organisms; organic and inorganic manures and fertilisers.
(2)           Plant nutrition – importance of water, light, heat and air – growth.
(3)           Seeds – structure, germination, growth.
(4)           Roots, stems and leaves, structure and functions.
(5)           Symbionts, saprophytes, parasites of plants, methods of attack and control.
(6)           Tubers, corms, bulbs, rhizome, methods of natural vegetative reproduction.
(7)           Growth and development.
(8)           Flowers; structure, pollination, fertilization, development of fruit and seeds.
(9)           Structure of fruits
(10)         Classification of plants.
(11)         Improvement of plants by selection, breeding, etc.
(12)         Choice of site for garden; arrangement.
(13)         Garden tools, machines and appliances.
(14)        Soil cultivation, draining, digging, ridging, hoeing, rolling, raking, sowing, transplanting, thinning, potting, etc.
(15)         Manures and fertilisers and their application.
(16)         Propagation of seeds and vegetative means.
(17)         Cultivation of fruits in open and under glass.
(18)         Cultivation of vegetables in open and under glass.
(19)         Cultivation of flowers in open and under glass.
(20)         Cultivation of ornamental trees and shrubs.
(21)         Lawns and sports grounds, playing fields – construction and maintenance.
(22)         Pests and diseases of garden plants.
(23)         Landscape gardening and garden design.
(24)         Public Parks lay-out.
(25)        Construction, planting and maintenance of special features, e.g. rock gardens, water gardens, sunken gardens, etc.
(26)         Bedding schemes.
(27)         Design, construction and maintenance of boating lakes, sports stadia, cycle tracks, recreation grounds.
(28)         Mass propagation.
(29)         Plan drawing.
(30)         General mensuration and estimating.
(31)         Street trees and grass verges.
(32)         Public Parks Law.
Syllabus of Advanced Course of Instruction for Adult Gardeners
The syllabus would include the items enumerated above, which would be covered in greater detail and also the following:-
(1)           Nursery Management
(2)           Surveying.
(3)           Colour Planning.
(4)           Public Parks Management.
(5)           Local Government.
(6)           Office Administration.
(7)           Labour Management.
(8)           Cemetery Management.
(9)           Park Buildings and Equipment.
(10)         Illuminations.
(11)         Town Planning.
Syllabus of Preliminary Course of Instruction for Adult Gardeners
The syllabus would consist of items 1 - 26 of the syllabus of Apprentice Gardeners.
Syllabus of Course of Instruction for Apprentice Groundsmen
Botany – the living plant; parts of a plant and their functions; structure, growth, assimilation, moisture and nutrient uptake.
Soil – structure, moisture supply, soil atmosphere, drainage, nitrification, soil acidity.
Fertilisers and Manures – organic and inorganic manures, fertilisers effects of deficiency and excess.
Grasses and Seeds – Recognition of common grasses, grasses for sports turf, grass seeds.
Establishment of Turf – principles of seeding and turfing.
Weeds and Weed Control – common species and identification methods and principles of eradication.
Turf Pests and Diseases – life histories of pests and their control, fungi - causes and control of diseases.
Top Dressings – preparation and use of composts, value of materials used.
Implements of Equipment – a general survey of types of equipment and machinery and uses.
Management and Established Turf – routine operations, principles of construction, seasonal operations.
The Committee’s instructions for the implementation of the Scheme generally on the lines indicated above are desired.
Appendix “O”
Deed of Apprenticeship
(hereafter called “the Apprentice”)
(hereafter called “the Guardian”) and THE LORD MAYOR ALDERMEN AND CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM (hereafter called “the Corporation”) DO HEREBY jointly and severally AGREE as follows:-
1.     THE Apprentice of his own free will and with the consent of the Guardian undertakes to serve the Corporation as Apprentice to the trade of Gardener in the Parks Department of the Corporation for the term of FIVE YEARS from the               day of                 One thousand nine hundred and            
2.     THE Corporation hereby undertakes to accept the Apprentice as an Apprentice during the said term of years and to teach the Apprentice or cause him to be taught the trade of Gardener.
3.     THE first six months of the apprenticeship shall be deemed a probationary period.  If at the expiration of the fifth month either the Corporation considers that the Apprentice is unlikely ever to make an efficient journeyman or the Apprentice feels that his occupation is an uncongenial one either party shall be at liberty to give twenty-eight days’ notice to terminate the apprenticeship.
4.     THE Corporation shall keep the Apprentice under proper supervision and place him under a fully qualified foreman or journeyman.
5.     THE Apprentice shall truly and faithfully serve the Corporation as its Apprentice and be diligent to learn his trade and shall at all times willingly obey the reasonable and lawful commands of the Corporation or its representative and shall not absent himself rrom (sic) the Corporation’s service without leave.
6.     THE Corporation shall (Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained) pay to the Apprentice each week during the term of the apprenticeship wages in accordance with the rate for the time being applicable to Apprentices of his class as adopted by the City Council.
7.     THE Apprentice will during his apprenticeship work for the said Parks Department of the Corporation during all of the customary hours recognised as applying in the said trade but shall not except in case of sudden emergency be required to work on Sundays nor on the holidays customary in the Corporation’s service for employees in the same trade nor work overtime on other days.
8.     THE Corporation shall not hold the Apprentice liable to make good the value of any work or articles which he may spoil whilst learning his trade except in the case of wilful or malicious damage and the Apprentice on his part shall take due care of and not knowingly suffer any damage to be done or committed to nor cause any loss of goods moneys or other things which shall be put into his care or custody by or on behalf of the Corporation.
9.     THE Apprentice may be dismissed forthwith by the Corporation for wilful disobedience or serious misbehaviour.
10.  THE Apprentice shall submit himself to a duly qualified medical practitioner to be nominated by the Corporation for examination from time to time as the Corporation shall require and the costs of such examination or examinations shall be borne by the Corporation.
11.  THE Birmingham Corporation Sickness and Accident Allowance Scheme for Manual Employees 1948 shall apply to the Apprentice in the event of his incapacity for work in consequence of sickness or personal injury by accident as defined in the said Scheme.
12.  THE Corporation on its part the Apprentice on his part and the Guardian on    part undertake to submit any dispute arising under this Agreement to such persons as may be appointed by the Corporation for the purpose and undertake to accept the decision or award of such persons as binding upon them and the persons shall have power to cancel this Agreement and shall have the powers given to arbitrators by the Arbitration Act 1889 or any statutory modification or (sic) e-enactment thereof.
13.  THE Corporation shall require the Apprentice to attend and the Apprentice on his part undertakes to attend such classes of technical or general education and to sit for such examinations as may be approved by the Corporation and in reckoning the total number of his working hours in each week the Apprentice shall be entitled to count any time during which he may be permitted to be absent from work for the purpose of attending such classes and no deduction from his wages in respect thereof shall be made.
14.  IN the event of any unsatisfactory reports being received with regard to his scholastic work or to his work in the said Parks Department of the Corporation the Corporation shall have the right if it deems it so desirable to dismiss the Apprentice and cancel this Agreement.
15.  ON receipt of a specially satisfactory report from the General Manager of the Parks Department or other authorised person of the Corporation on the progress of the Apprentice the Corporation may arrange to antedate his increase of wages for a period not exceeding three months in any one particular year.
16.  THE Apprentice shall at the proper time make application to the Ministry of Labour and National Service for deferment from Military or other National Service during the period of this Apprenticeship and shall not by his act or default cause an interruption in the training provided for under this Deed.
17.  ON the satisfactory completion of the apprenticeship the Corporation shall attach to this Agreeement a certificate of such completion and such certificate shall be countersigned by an authorised officer of the said Parks Department of the Corporation with whom the Apprentice is employed.
18.  IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that the Corporation shall be under no obligation to keep the Apprentice in the service of the Corporation on completion of the apprenticeship.
DATED this       day of       One thousand nine hundred and fifty-
Signature of the Apprentice –
WITNESS to the signature of the Apprentice –
Signature of the Guardian –
WITNESS to the signature of the Guardian –
THE COMMON SEAL of the Lord Mayor  )
Aldermen and Citizens of the                    )
City of Birmingham was hereunto             )
affixed in the presence of                          )   
                                                                                    Town Clerk.
Appendix “P”
Draft Agreement for Training in Advanced Horticulture
THIS AGREEMENT made the                          day of                      195      
BETWEEN                                   of
(hereinafter referred to as “the Trainee”) of the one part and THE LORD MAYOR ALDERMEN AND CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM (hereinafter referred to as “the Corporation”) by John Frank Gregg Town Clerk of the other part,
WHEREAS the Trainee who is at present employed in the Parks Department of the Corporation as a Gardener on the Propagating Gardener Grade is desirous of taking advantage of advanced instruction of a theoretical scientific and practical nature and the Corporation has agreed to instruct the Trainee accordingly.
1.     THE Corporation will during the period of two years from the date hereof undertake the instruction of the Trainee in advanced theoretical scientific and practical gardening.
2.     THE first three months of the said period of two years shall be deemed a probationary period and if at the end of the expiration of the probationary period either the Corporation considers that the Trainee is unlikely to obtain advantage from the said training or the Trainee feels that his occupation is an uncongenial one either party shall be at liberty to give 28 days’ notice to terminate this Agreement
3.     THE Trainee will attend such classes of instruction as the Corporation may direct and sit for approved examinations when required.
4.     THE Trainee will work where directed and conform to the normal working hours of the Propagating Gardener Grade.
5.     NO deduction shall be made by the Corporation from the wages of the Trainee due to his absence from work whilst attending classes or examinations.
6.     THE Corporation will pay the costs of all such classes and lectures and provide necessary tools other than stationery such as note books, pencils, etc. which shall be provided by the Trainee.
7.     IN the event of any unsatisfactory reports being received with regard to his scholastic work or to his work in the said Parks Department or wilful disobedience or serious misbehaviour the Corporation shall have the right if it deems it so desirable to dismiss the Trainee and cancel this Agreement.
8.     ON the satisfactory completion of the course and the passing of the prescribed examinations the Corporation shall award to the Trainee a Certificate to that effect.
9.     IN consideration of the expense to be incurred by the Corporation in connection with the said training the Trainee hereby covenants with the Corporation as follows:-
(a)   That he will serve in the Parks Department for a period of not less than three years from the date hereof including the period of training.
(b)   That he will complete the course of training and observe all the rules and directions of the General Manager of the Parks Department in connection with such training and attend all courses which shall be specified and such examinations as may be laid down by the said department.
(c)   In the event of his wilful failure to complete the said course of training or serve the Corporation for the said period of not less than three years as aforesaid in contravention of this undertaking (except with the previous consent in writing of the Corporation) to repay to the Corporation the sum expended by them as aforesaid and in default of his so doing the same shall be recoverable by the Corporation from the Trainee as liquidated damages.
10.  IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that the Corporation shall be under no obligation to keep the Trainee in the service of the Corporation on completion of the said period of three years.
         AS WITNESS the hands of the parties the day and year first before written.
         WITNESS to the signature of           )
         the said                                             )
         WITNESS to the signature of           )
         the said John Frank Gregg               )
Special Orders
Submitted in Appendix “N” are details of special orders which have been placed since your last meeting.  Provision for the expenditure referred to is made in the current year’s Estimates, and the Committee’s confirmation is requested.
Appendix “N”
Special Orders
King’s Heath Park
230 yds. Chestnut Fencing,            Grosvenor Workman,                 £69-18- 9.
80 Peeled and Pointed Posts.         Birmingham.
Order P.8351.
Horticultural Staff – Training Scheme
12229   Resolved:-   That the Horticultural Staff Training Scheme, as more particularly set out in the foregoing report, be approved in principle, subject to any amendments which it may be found necessary to make thereto in the light of experience; further that this Committee convey their appreciation to the General Manager and staff concerned in the preparation of the scheme.
Special Orders
12238   Resolved:-   That the action of the General Manager in relation to special Orders, as detailed in Appendix “N” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.
3rd March 1952 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 D1)
Minute No. 12229 of the 3rd March 1952 authorised a portion of Kings Heath Park being used in connection with the Horticultural Staff Training Scheme.  The Drawing Room in Kings Heath Park House to be used as a lecture room.  (Refer also Card “Miscellaneous No. 76) 
2nd April 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Alderman Denton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Improved Service Pay
I beg to submit in Appendix “H” a list of the applications received and recommended for the Committee’s approval, the payments to take effect from the dates stated.
Appendix “H”
Improved Service Pay
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                                  Harper, W.G. (58)
Designation:                                   P. Police          
Where Employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:-                        27.3.49
Grant Recommended:-                   2/-
To date from:                                  27.3.52
Rates of Pay – Officers-in-Charge – Supervisory Grades
I set out in Appendix “O” a list of Officers-in-Charge and Foremen, together with certain recommended wage increases.  These wage increases are all within the existing Grades.
The Committee’s approval to these increases is desired.
Appendix “O”
Rates of Pay – Officers-in-Charge – Supervisory Grades
Park:                                  Kings Heath Pk.
Name:                                H. Evason
Grade:                                Foreman
Present Rate:                     £7.   7. 4.                     
New Rate:                          £7. 12. 4
Improved Service Pay
12350   Resolved:-   That authority be given to the payment of Improved Service Pay to employees named in Appendix “H” to the foregoing report, at the rates and from the dates stated therein.

Rates of Pay – Officers-in-Charge – Supervisory Grades
12352   Resolved:-   That the wage increases to Officers in charge and foremen, as more particularly set out in Appendix “O” to the foregoing report, be approved.

Councillor Gurden submitted the following report of the Recreation and Entertainments Sub-Committee:-
Religious Services
An application has been received from Mr. J. Page, Secretary, Birmingham and District Children’s Service Union, to hold children’s services in the Summer Theatres during the coming season.
Last year, one Sunday afternoon service was arranged at each park where a Summer Theatre was erected, and approximately 2,400 children attended eight services.  The services were well organised and well conducted by the officers of the Children’s Service Union.
It is suggested that consideration might be given to granting permission for a series of services to be arranged on similar lines to last year, and the following provisional programme has been drawn up:-
(From a list:-)
King’s Heath Park               15th June 1952
The Committee’s instructions are desired.

Religious Services
12385   Resolved:-   That, having regard to the circumstances set out in the foregoing report, permission be granted for a series of religious services to be arranged on similar lines to last year at various parks, generally on the lines of the provisional programme set out in the report.

5th May 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Alderman Denton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Since the last meeting of your Committee, the resignations as set out in Appendix “F” have been received.
Appendix “F”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                      Henshaw, A. (54)
Designation:                       Gdn. Lab.
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:             14.3.52
Length of Service:              8 mths.

Police Report
Serious Accidents
During the month of March there were 20 serious accidents dealt with in the parks and the patients sent to hospital.  There were also 148 minor injuries treated and the patients sent home.  Details of serious accidents are given in Appendix “L”
Appendix “L”
Police Report - Serious Accidents
Date:                                  19.3.52
Park:                                   Kings Heath
Name & Age:                      Annette Stott (10)
Nature of Injury:                  Injury to ankle
Cause of Injury:                  Fell down running

Alderman Alldridge submitted the following report of the Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee:-
Kings Heath Park – Proposed Electric Installation to Kings Heath House
As a consequence of your Committee’s decision under Minute No. 12,229 of the 3rd March last, to utilise part of these premises in connection with the new Horticultural Training Scheme, it is now a matter of urgency that electricity should be installed to replace the present unsuitable gas lighting.
In view of this development, the Midlands Electricity Board have been approached with regard to providing electricity in the rooms to be used for such training purposes, and also to those rooms at present occupied by the “Sons of Rest”, Civic Restaurants Department, and Mr. Lusher, a retired Corporation employee, respectively, allowing for installing a power cable of sufficient capacity to meet all future requirements in the House when converted into flats, and for Departmental use in adjoining service buildings.
A plan will be submitted at your meeting showing the proposed line of supply cable from Avenue Road, which it is suggested should be placed underground for the following reasons:-
(a)   Preservation of park amenities.
(b)   Avoidance of necessity for obtaining planning approval under the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947, which, in the case of an overhead line, may be refused.
The following itemised quotation has been received from the Midlands Electricity Board for carrying out the proposed work, which at present is verbal only, but it is hoped that written confirmation will be received in time for your meeting:-
Underground mains supply                                   £174- 0- 0.
Wiring to Restaurant                                                54-15- 0.
            office, lecture room, hall and st                  41-  5- 0.
            “Sons of Rest”                                            41-15- 0.
Distribution Board                                                       8-  8- 0.       
                                                                                       £320-  3- 0
No provision has been made in the current Estimates for this work, but I would mention that in connection with the proposed Depot buildings at Newbridge House, a sum of £460. of the total of £550. set aside in the present estimates for Architect’s fees has already been met by the City Treasurer from the 1951-1952 Estimates, and in consequence the proposed expenditure upon electric lighting would not create an overspending on the total amount allowed under the “Repairs, Alterations and Improvements” head of account within the present financial year.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.

Kings Heath Park – Proposed Electric Installation to Kings Heath House
12495   Resolved:-  That authority be given for an expenditure of £320. 3s. upon the installation of electricity at the Park House, Kings Heath Park, as referred to in the foregoing report, and that the Town Clerk be instructed to prepare and seal the necessary contract.

5th May 1952 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 EF/6)
Kings Heath Park - Buildings
Installation of Electricity at Kings Heath Park House:  Contractor: M.E.B.  Cost: £320. 3s.  Parks Committee Minute 12495 dated 5/5/52.

7th July 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Horticultural Training Scheme – Suggested Organisation
(from a very long report:-)
At the present time, the Parks Department employs 71 juniors, of whom 47 are suitable for receiving training, and attend at the Bournville Day Continuation College or the Birmingham College of Technology.  Those under the age of 18 would be eligible to apply for apprenticeship.  The remainder would be given instruction at King’s Heath Park until they reach the age of 21, and would receive a training similar to that given to the apprentices but of a less intensive nature.

Use of Parks
I beg to submit in Appendix “D” particulars of applications made for the use of parks.  The applications marked * being not inconsistent with your Committee’s policy, have been granted, and it is asked that the action taken be approved.
Organisation:         Birmingham Boy Scouts Association     
Date:                      *   17.5.52
Park:                      Kings Heath
Purpose:                Wolf Cub Sports
Organisation:         Children’s Service Union           
Date:                      *   14.6.52
Park:                      Kings Heath
Purpose:                Religious Meeting
Organisation:         Kings Heath Evangelical Free Church    
Date:                      *   15.6.52 and 29.6.52
Park:                      Kings Heath
Purpose:                Religious Meeting

Since the last meeting of your Committee, the appointments as set out in Appendix “E” have been made.
Appendix “E”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                      Field, B. (31)
Designation:                        Female Wkr.
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:              21.4.52
Wages:                               £5.18.4.
Name & Age:                      Cooper, J.B. (26)
Designation:                        Gdn. Lab.
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:              27.5.52
Wages:                               £5.18.4.

Since the last meeting of your Committee, the resignations as set out in Appendix “F” have been received.
Appendix “F”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                      Glover, G.F. (37)
Designation:                        P. Police
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                     16.5.52
Length of Service:              1yr. 1 mth.       

Improved Service Pay
I beg to submit in Appendix “H” a list of the applications received and recommended for the Committee’s approval, the payments to take effect from the dates stated.
Appendix “H”
Improved Service Pay
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                                  Harwood, T.G. (40)
Designation:                                   Prop. Gdnr.      
Where Employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:-                        13.5.46
Grant Recommended:-                   4/-
To date from:                                  13.5.52

Use of Parks
12658   Resolved:-   That the action taken in granting the applications for the use of parks marked * in Appendix “D” of the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed, and that the remaining applications more particularly set out therein, be granted.

Staff Appointments
12659   Resolved:-   That the various appointments made to fill existing vacancies as detailed in Appendix “E” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.

Improved Service Pay
12661   Resolved:-   That authority be given to the payment of Improved Service Pay to employees named in Appendix “H” to the foregoing report, at the rates and from the dates stated therein.

The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-
Annual Parks Inspection
As your Committee are aware, arrangements have been made for the Annual Inspection of Parks to be held this year on Friday, the 25th July, and it is the custom to visit each district in rotation.  This year it is the turn of District No. 2, and the following itinerary has been approved by the Chairman of your Committee:-
Highgate Park
Cannon Hill Park
King’s Heath Park
Billesley Common
Lunch at the Billesley Arms Hotel

King’s Norton Park
Manor Estate
(by arrangement if ownership is not vested in the Corporation at this date)
Lickey Hills
Tea at the “Rose and Crown” Tearooms
The Committee’s confirmation is desired.

Annual Parks Inspection
12729   Resolved:-   That the action of the Chairman in approving the itinerary for the annual inspection of parks, as referred to in the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed; and that the General Manager be instructed to invite Mr. Laurence Cadbury to be present on this occasion; and that the Town Clerk be instructed to obtain Mr. Cadbury’s permission to the proposed visit to Manor House Estate.

28th July 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Training Scheme – Equipment
In this connection your Sub-Committee have considered the question as to whether an Educational Grant could be obtained in respect of the Training Scheme.  This matter was of course investigated by the General Manager when the scheme was originally initiated and it was felt that the acceptance of a Government Grant would involve supervision by the Educational Authorities, and the scheme would thereby lose flexibility as far as the Parks Department was concerned.  In the event of a grant being obtained, it would have to be administered through the Education Committee and the Trainee would be to a large extent under the control of that Committee, which would be undesirable for servants of the Parks Committee.
Your Sub-Committee have instructed the General Manager to report further on the question of an Educational Grant and its effect on the Training Scheme, and now recommend that authority be given for an expenditure of £757. 16. 8. on the purchase of equipment for use at Kings Heath Park in connection with the scheme.

Training Scheme – Equipment
With reference to the establishment of the Training Scheme at Kings Heath Park, it will be necessary to purchase the following items of equipment:-
Item                                  Use                                                      Cost
20 Tables                          For the Classroom                                 £73- 6- 8.
30 Chairs                                       do.                                            £28-10- 0.
2 Blackboards                                do.                                             £16- 0- 0.
Fruit Trees and bushes     For planting in the Students’ garden    £200- 0- 0.
Tools                                 for the use of students during
                                          practical work at Kings Heath Park      £110- 0- 0.
Epivisor and screen          For use as a visual aid in instruction
                                          and also for the purpose of illustrating
                                          lectures to the general public               £130- 0- 0.
Library                               This would consist mainly of textbooks
                                          and would supplement the facilities
                                          offered by the Public Libraries             £200- 0- 0.
                                                                                                       £757-16- 8.
Sums are available in the current years' Estimates under the various heads concerned to meet this expenditure, and the Committee’s authority to acquire the requisites is requested.

Since the last meeting of your Committee, the appointments as set out in Appendix “E” have been made.
Appendix “E”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                      Lusher, A. (69)
Designation:                       Nt. Watchman.
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:             5.6.52
Wages:                              16/- p.nt.

Since the last meeting of your Committee, the resignations as set out in Appendix “F” have been received.
Appendix “F”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                      Johnson, N. (18)
Designation:                        Gdn. Boy
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                     14.6.52
Length of Service:              2yrs. 10 mths.  

I have to recommend the regradings as set out in Appendix “J” for the approval of the Committee, to take effect from the dates indicated.  The services of the employees recommended have been satisfactory.
Appendix “J”
Name & Age:                                  Lowndes, R.B. (27)
Where employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Grading and Wages
Present:                                   Gdr. 1st Cl.   £6. 9. 4.
Recommended:                       Gdr. R.H.S.  £6. 18. 4.
Date commenced:                           22.1.51
To date from:                                  12.3.52

Manual Staff – Establishment
I set out in Appendix “K” the proposed establishment for your Department’s Manual Staff.
Appendix “K”
Proposed Establishment
Site:                                              Kings Heath Park
O/C:                                              1
Foreman:                                      1
Groundsman/Gardeners:              6
Labourers:                                     3
Gdn Boys:                                     3
Parks Police:                                 2
Games Attd:                                  1
Female Gdnrs:                              3
Relief O/C;                                    1

Training Scheme – Equipment
12764   Resolved:-   That authority be given for an expenditure of £757. 16. 8d. on the purchase of equipment for use at Kings heath Park in connection with Horticultural Training Scheme, as referred to in the foregoing report. 

Staff Appointments
12773   Resolved:-   That the various appointments made to fill existing vacancies as detailed in Appendix “E” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.

Staff Regradings
12776   Resolved:-   That the staff regradings, as set out in Appendix “J” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed, such regradings to take effect from the dates stated therein.

Manual Staff – Establishment
12777   Resolved:-   That the proposed establishment for the manual staff, as more particularly set out in Appendix “K” to the foregoing report, be approved, it being understood that that it may be necessary for such establishment to be amended from time to time in the light of experience.

The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-
I have to recommend the regradings as set out below for the approval of the Committee, to take effect from the dates indicated.  The services of the employees recommended have been satisfactory.
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                                 Cooper, J.B. (26)
Where employed:                          Kings Heath Pk.
Grading and Wages
Present:                                  Gdn Lab.      £5. 18. 4.
Recommended:                      Gdnr. 1st Cl.  £6.  9 . 4.
Date commenced:                         27.5.52
To date from:                                 21.7.52

King’s Heath Park – Repairs and Painting Conservatory adjoining Park House
A quotation amounting £202-15-6. has been received from Foster & Pearson Ltd., Beeston, Nottingham, for the repair and painting of the above-mentioned conservatory.
This building is badly in need of renovation, particularly as regards the roof lights, and to carry out repairs and painting at this stage would ensure its preservation for many years.
An amount of £300 has been allocated in the current year’s Estimates for this work, and your Committee’s instructions are desired.

Staff Regradings
12820   Resolved:-   That the staff regradings, as set out in the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed, such regradings to take effect from the dates stated therein.

King’s Heath Park – Repairs and Painting Conservatory adjoining Park House
12827   Resolved:-   That the quotation of Foster & Pearson Ltd. for the repair and painting of the conservatory at King’s Heath Park, as referred to in the foregoing report, in the sum of £202. 15. 6d. be accepted.

28th July 1952 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 EF/5)
Kings Heath Park - Buildings
Repairs and painting conservatory adj. Park House:  Contractor: Foster & Pearson Ltd.  Cost: £202. 15. 6d.  Parks Committee Minute 12827 dated 28.7.52.

6th October 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Birmingham Corporation v Miss Grace Summers
Late Tenant, King’s Heath Park House

On Minute No. 11710 the following report of the Town Clerk was submitted:-
Birmingham Corporation v Miss Grace Summers
Late Tenant, King’s Heath Park House
On the 1st October, 1951, a letter from Miss Summers’ solicitor was considered by your Committee.  It will be remembered that, in view of Miss Summers’ financial position, an offer was made to pay arrears amounting to £131.7.3d. with £12.5.0. legal costs in addition, due under a Judgement of the High Court, by instalments of £4 per month and your Committee accepted this offer.
In November the first instalment was received, but since that date nothing further has been paid, despite repeated applications for payment of the instalments in arrear.
It is understood from her Solicitors that Miss Summers’ financial circumstances have deteriorated since the offer was made; the principal and interest repayments on the First and Second Mortgages in respect of the premises into which she moved from the Park House, having proved a greater strain on her resources than was anticipated.
She lets the greater part of these premises to paying guests as a means of livelihood.
It is now proposed to distrain on her goods and chattels for the amount outstanding and your Committee is requested to confirm this action being taken.
The Committee gave careful consideration as to the financial position in which Miss Summers appeared to find herself at the present time, and Councillor Horton expressed the view that the time had come when the Committee should take some action to recover the arrears owing to the Committee by her.  Alderman Mrs. Hyde referred to the history of the case at the time when she was Chairman of the Committee and said that Miss Summers seemed to have always had a habit of referring to the amount of money which she owed, and she too felt that the Committee should now endeavour to obtain payment of the arrears owed by Miss Summers.  The General Manager referred to the fact that, in the past, Miss Summers had used her best endeavours for getting members of the Parks Department Staff into trouble.
12886   Resolved:-   That the Town Clerk be authorised to distrain on the goods and chattels of Miss Grace Summers for the amount outstanding in respect of her tenancy of King’s Heath Park House, as referred to in the foregoing report. 

The following report of the General Manager was submitted:-
Plays and Entertainments in the Parks 1952
(From a long report:-)

Amateur Plays
Two local companies were selected to appear this year.  L.H.D. Productions gave three performances of Rose Franken’s “Claudia” and the Birmingham Theatre School gave three performances of “All over the Town” by R.F. Delderfield.  The standard of these productions was particularly high, and the attendances again showed an increase as can be seen from the attached schedule “B”.
Schedule “B”
Entertainments in the Parks, 1952
Attendances and Receipts at Plays Given by Local Amateur Societies
Play                    Society                         Park                 Attendance       Receipts
“All Over the        The Birmingham            Kings Heath      268                   13.7.3
   Town”               Theatre School              Rookery            181                   11.3.9
                                                                Small Heath    309   758           18.6.3    42.17.3
“Claudia”              L.H.D. Productions        Kings Heath      160                   9.18.6
          Small Heath      199                   13. 3.3
                                                             Ward End         388   747           14.14.3   37.16.0

                                                                                            1505                      £80.13.3

                                                                           1952                 1951                1950
Average Attendance all Performances:               251                   228                   173
Average Receipts at All Performances:        £13.8.10.           £14.2.10.           £10.14.7.

6th October 1952 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 D1)
On the 6th October 1952, the Parks Committee received a report from the Town Clerk stating that Miss Grace Summers (late tenant of Kings Heath Park House) had paid only one £4 instalment towards extinguishing her debt.  By Parks Committee Minute No. 12886 of 6th October 1952, the Town Clerk was authorized to distrain on the goods and chattels of Miss Summers for the amount outstanding.

3rd November 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purposes and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Horticultural Training Scheme
The following letter has been received from Mr. S.T. Gammon, Chief Superintendent, Parks and Allotments Department, West Smethwick Park, Smethwick:-
8th October 1952
G.E.E. Ross, Esq.,
General Manager,
City of B’ham Parks Dept.
Dear Sir,
I should be glad if you could assist in a matter which two of my Horticultural Apprentices have brought to my attention.
It appears that the classes in horticulture, which they have been attending at Birmingham College of Technology on Wednesday afternoons, have now been discontinued.  They are keen young students, and are naturally concerned at having no satisfactory substitute for these classes, from which they have derived considerable benefit.
I gather that the other members of the class are receiving instruction under your Department’s Apprentice Training Scheme, and that as a result there were insufficient students remaining to justify continuance of the class.
It occurred to me that possibly you and your Committee might be prepared to accommodate these two young lads in some way, so that they shall not continue to lack their instruction, perhaps by an arrangement enabling them to be included in the day classes arranged by your Department, for a suitable fee.
Perhaps you would kindly give this matter your consideration, as I feel sure that you would be interested in the problem which faces these apprentices.
Yours faithfully,
(sd.)  S.T. Gammon,
Chief Superintendent,
Parks & Allotments Dept.
As your Committee are aware, the facilities for giving instruction at King’s Heath Park are limited and as a consequence, only 28 of the original 60 applicants for appointment as Apprentice Gardeners were accepted.
Furthermore, facilities are available for taking an evening course in Elementary Horticulture under my Senior Horticulturist at the College of Technology, Suffolk Street.
In view of these facts and in the interests of the Training Scheme generally, it is considered that at the present stage it would be impractical to open the door to outside Authorities.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.

Use of Parks
I beg to submit in Appendix “D” particulars of applications received for the use of Parks. The applications being not inconsistent with your Committee’s policy were granted, and it is asked that the action be approved.
Appendix “D”
Use of Parks
Organisation:                     King’s Norton Constituency Labour Party
Date:                                 24.8.52
Park:                                 Kings Heath
Purpose:                            Political Meeting

Since the last meeting of your Committee, the appointments as set out in Appendix “E” have been made.
Appendix “E”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                      MacGregor, E. (23)
Designation:                       Female Wkr.
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:             15.9.52
Wages:                               £5. 18. 4.
Name & Age:                      McCoy, F.A. (40)
Designation:                       P. Police
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:             17.8.52
Wages:                               £6. 5. 6
Name & Age:                      Acres, D.E. (24)
Designation:                       Female Wkr.
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Commenced:             19.8.52
Wages:                               £5. 18. 4.

Since the last meeting of your Committee, the resignations as set out in Appendix “F” have been received.
Appendix “F”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                      Lusher, A. (68)
Designation:                       Nt. Watchman
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                      20.7.52
Length of Service:               1 mth.  
Name & Age:                      Chambers, I.A. (20)
Designation:                        Female Wkr.
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                     15.8.52
Length of Service:               9 mths.

Termination of Services
I beg to submit in Appendix “G” a list of employees whose services have been terminated on the dates stated, as their services were unsatisfactory.
Appendix “G”
Termination of Services
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                     Wilkes, B.B. (17)
Designation:                      Gdn. Boy
Where Employed:               Kings Heath Pk.
Date Ceased:                     22.8.5
Length of Service:              1 yr.     

I have to recommend the regradings as set out in Appendix “J” for the approval of the Committee, to take effect from the dates indicated.  The services of the employees recommended have been satisfactory.
Appendix “J”
District No. 2.
Name & Age:                                  Field, B. (Miss) (31)
Where employed:                           Kings Heath Pk.
Grading and Wages
Present:                                   Female Wkr.   £5. 18. 4.
Recommended:                       Gdnr. R.H.S.   £6. 18. 4.
Date commenced:                          21.4.52
To date from:                                  21.4.52

Police Report
Serious Accidents
During the months of July, August and September there were 140 serious accidents dealt with in the parks and the patients sent to hospital.  There were also 1,350 minor injuries treated and the patients sent home.  Details of serious accidents are given in Appendix “L”
Appendix “L”
Police Report - Serious Accidents
Date:                                 5.7.52
Park:                                 King’s Heath Pk.
Name & Age:                    Noel Hughes (13)
Nature of Injury:                Fractured collar bone
Cause of Injury:                Fall from cycle

Horticultural Training Scheme
13015   Resolved:-   That, having regard to the circumstances set out in the foregoing report, the General Manager be instructed to inform the Chief Superintendent, Parks & Allotments Department, Smethwick, that it is regretted that it is impracticable at this stage, to admit trainees to the Departmental Horticultural Training Scheme from outside Authorities.

Use of Parks
13019   Resolved:-   That the action taken in granting the applications for the use of Parks, as more particularly set out in Appendix “D” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.

Staff - Appointments
13020   Resolved:-   That the various appointments made to fill existing vacancies, as detailed in Appendix “E” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.

Staff – Termination of Services
13021   Resolved:-    That the action taken in terminating the services of the employees, more particularly detailed in Appendix “G” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed.

Staff – Regradings
13023   Resolved:-   That the staff regradings, as set out in Appendix “J” to the foregoing report, be approved and confirmed, such regradings to take effect from the dates stated therein. 

Alderman Mrs. Hyde submitted the following report of the Recreation and Entertainments Sub-Committee
Plays and Entertainments in the Parks 1952
(Relevant extracts from a long report:-)
Amateur Plays
Two local companies were selected to appear this year.  L.H.D. Productions gave three performances of Rose Franken’s “Claudia” and the Birmingham Theatre School gave three performances of “All over the Town” by R.F. Delderfield.  The standard of these productions was particularly high, and the attendances again showed an increase as can be seen from the attached schedule “B”.
Schedule “B”
Entertainments in the Parks, 1952
Attendances and Receipts at Plays Given by Local Amateur Societies
Play                    Society                         Park                 Attendance       Receipts

“All Over the        The Birmingham            Kings Heath      268                   13.7.3
   Town”               Theatre School              Rookery            181                   11.3.9
                                                               Small Heath      309   758           18.6.3    42.17.3
“Claudia”              L.H.D. Productions        Kings Heath      160                   9.18.6
Small Heath      199                   13. 3.3
                                                            Ward End         388   747           14.14.3   37.16.0
                                                                                            1505                      £80.13.3

                                                                           1952                 1951                1950
Average Attendance all Performances:               251                   228                   173
Average Receipts at All Performances:         £13.8.10.           £14.2.10.           £10.14.7.

Summer Theatres were erected in the following parks:-
(From a list of 7:-)
King’s Heath Park               9th June – 19th July                     6 weeks

The Selly Oak Carnival was held at Selly Oak Park on Saturday, 14th June, 1952, and was organised on similar lines to the King’s Norton Carnival.  It is estimated that approximately 18,000 people enjoyed the attractions provided, and a comprehensive report will be submitted upon receipt of the accounts from the Carnival Committee.

Voluntary Chief Marshals
Voluntary Chief Marshals rendered valuable assistance at certain parks where entertainments were given during the past season.  The following schedule of suggested payments for subsistence and travelling, etc., is submitted for the Committee’s consideration.  Payment is estimated at the rate of £1. 1. 0. per week for attendance at evening performances.  Where Chief Marshals were able to attend matinees, payment of £1. 1. 0. is also included.
(From a list:-)
Park                                  Name                            Payment
King’s Heath                      Mr. W.T. Cutts               £6. 6s. 0d.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.

Voluntary Chief Marshals
13059   Resolved:-   That honoraria be paid to the voluntary chief marshals who rendered assistance in connection with the entertainments at various parks during the 1952 season, as follows:-
(From a list:-)
Park                                Name                            Payment
King’s Heath                    Mr. W.T. Cutts               £6. 6s. 0d.

1st December 1952 – BCC Parks Committee Minute
Birmingham Corporation v. Miss Grace Summers – late tenant King’s Heath Park House
On Minute No. 12886 the following report of the Town Clerk was submitted:-
Birmingham Corporation v. Miss Grace Summers – late tenant King’s Heath Park House
Following the issue of a writ of Fi. Fa. in this matter, the Sheriff’s Officer has now collected £10 from Miss Summers on account of the outstanding arrears of £131.7.3d. and legal costs.
She has offered to pay £5 per month in respect of the balance, and it has been considered advisable in the circumstances to accept her offer.  The General Manager concurs with this arrangement.
Miss Summers is fully aware of the face that if the payments are not maintained satisfactorily, the Sheriff’s Officer will take immediate steps to levy execution.
A report is submitted at this stage since some time must elapse before the Court Order is completely satisfied.
13109   Resolved:-  That approval be given to the action taken, as set out in the foregoing report and that the Town Clerk be informed accordingly.

Councillor Horton submitted the following report of the General Purpose and Finance Sub-Committee:-
Illuminated Christmas Trees 1952
In accordance with your Committee’s policy and on the authority of the Chairman ofyour Committee, preliminary arrangements have been made for the provision of illuminated Christmas Trees during the 1952-53 Christmas Season at the undernoted sites:-
                      (From a list of 13)
                  Kings Heath Park

As on previous occasions the Midlands Electricity Board have been requested to proceed with the electric installation which will be completed for the first week in December.  
It is that proposed that the trees should be illuminated from Saturday the 6th December, 1952 to Saturday, the 3rd January, 1953, and that the hours of illumination should be from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. on each evening.
At the last meeting of the Parks Committee, I was instructed to consider the provision of permanently planted Christmas trees at certain sites in the same manner as the tree used for this purpose by Cadbury Bros. Ltd.
Your Head Forester reports that Norway Spruce trees, which are the real “Christmas trees” and the only type of conifer suitable for decorative use, are most unsuited for transplanting into the town, as they are essentially a tree of the mountains and cannot successfully be moved from their natural environment to the polluted atmosphere of the city.  Moreover, it is usual when planting Norway Spruce for the trees not to exceed 10” in eight (sic – presumably height).  This method is the one normally used in establishing woodland and specimen trees.  Apart, therefore, from the considerable risk of their non-survival, the trees would take many years to reach the required height, as their growth is only at the rate of approximately a foot a year.
The tree used by Cadbury Bros. Ltd. is not a Norway Spruce, but it is a well established Cedar which has been growing in its present position for very many years.
It is asked that the arrangements made for the provision of Christmas trees be confirmed.

Illuminated Christmas Trees 1952
13139   Resolved:-   That illuminated Christmas Trees be provided at the 13 sites, as more particularly set out in the foregoing report, over the period from the 6th December, 1952 to 3rd January, 1953 at an estimated cost of £500.

Alderman Alldridge submitted the following report of the Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee:-
Keep Bequest – Provision of Seats
In accordance with the instructions contained in your Minute No. 13,039, following the allocation of a further £2,500 for the provision of Teak seats under the A.W. Keep Bequest, I have to inform your Committee that an official order has been placed with Barlow, Tyrie & Co. Ltd., Leytonstone, London, E.11.for the supply and delivery of Teak seats of the same pattern as those previously purchased from this firm.
Your District Superintendents have each been consulted in the matter of allocation, as a result of which the following sites have been suggested as requiring further seats, subject to your approval:-
No. 2 District                                             
Kings Heath Park                                       4
(Total for District – 10 sites)                       47
(All Districts – 41 sites)                              193
As in the previous allocation, small metal memorial plaques will be provided, and an official order has been placed with J.R. Pearson (Birmingham) Ltd., Porchester Street, Birmingham, 19. for their production, in Anodized Aluminium to Bronze finish at a total cost of £48.
It will be recalled that, in my report to your last meeting, it was stated that the £2,500 allocation would provide for 192 seats, but it is found that this sum would in fact, provide for 193 seats, and your confirmation is accordingly desired to the placing of an official order for this higher number.

Keep Bequest – Provision of Seats
In this connection the following report of the General Manager was submitted:-
Keep Bequest – Provision of Seats
Following my report to the recent meeting of your Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee upon the suggested further allocation of Teak seats, I was requested to submit a list of the sites covered by the previous allocation under this Bequest.
The following is a composite list of sites and number of seats supplied, and to be supplied out of the two allocations under the Bequest in each district:-
No. 2 District                                              1st Allocation                 2nd Allocation
Kings Heath Park                                       3                                  4
(Total for District – 10 sites)                       45                                 47
(All Districts – 41 sites)                              190                               193
The Committee’s further instructions are desired.
13158   Resolved:-   That the reports of the General Manager with regard to the allocation of seats at various Parks and Recreation Grounds be approved and that authority be given for the purchase of small metal plaques in respect of the second allocation, from Messrs. J.R. Pearson (Birmingham) Ltd. at a cost of £48.

Alderman Mrs. Hyde submitted the following report of the Recreation and Entertainments Sub-Committee:-
King’s Heath Park – Proposed Baby Show
An application has been received from Mrs. C.M. Baker, 202, Grange Road, King’s Heath, Birmingham 14, to hold a Baby Show and Children’s Fancy Dress Parade on a weekday afternoon in the Summer Theatre at King’s Heath Park during the 1953 Summer Season.   Mrs Baker proposes to charge 2/- entrance for the Baby Show, 6d. entrance fee for the Fancy Dress Parade  and 6d. admission for spectators.  Prizes would be donated by tradespeople of King’s Heath and the proceeds given to the King’s Heath Baptist Church.
Providing a season of entertainments is arranged for King’s Heath Park, it would appear to be possible to allow the Summer Theatre to be used for a Baby Show on an afternoon when it was not required for any other purpose.  However, in view of the fact that it would be necessary to have staff on duty to look after the theatre and sound apparatus, etc., it is suggested that some fee should be charged to cover these expenses should the application be granted.
Your Committee, may, however, feel that the policy involved in permitting this type of use of parks may have to be dictated by your general reluctance to provide financial benefits for particular sections and groups of the community, as a result of making available resources owned by the general public.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.

Entertainments in the Parks, 1953
(Relevant extracts from a long report)
Suggested Programme
Average attendance at parks where Summer Theatres were erected last year was as follows:-
(From a list of 7)
Park:                                   King’s Heath
No. of Weeks:                     6
Average 1952:                    199      
Average 1951:                    235
In the light of these attendances and experience gained in previous seasons with regard to attendances, deployment of equipment and also available resources for 1953, the following suggested programme has been drawn up:-
(From a list of 7 definite and 3 alternatives)
Park:                                             King’s Heath
Dates:                                           15th June – 11th July
No. of weeks 1953:                       4
No. of weeks 1952:                       6
Park:                                             Victoria Common or Sparkhill or Selly Oak
Dates:                                           13th July – 8th Aug
No. of weeks 1953:                       4
No. of weeks 1952:                       Not operating
.........................  The season at King’s Heath Park has been reduced by two weeks in view of the somewhat disappointing attendances last season.  ...............   The reductions in the seasons at King’s Heath and Small Heath Parks would make it possible to stage a four week season at a park not included in last year’s programme.  Three parks are suggested and of these Sparkhill and Selly Oak have been dropped from the programme in recent years but it is felt that the return of one of these after a lapse of time might result in good attendances as happened at Summerfield Park.  Victoria Common has not had an Entertainment Season for some years, although a Summer Theatre was erected by the local Carnival Committee for one week last year and the talent night and some variety shows were fairly well attended.  Aston Park was reduced to four weeks last year and there was a substantial increase in attendances.    It is felt that four weeks is an ideal length of season at this park as the previous drop in attendances came about when the season was extended to more than four weeks.    ..................
In addition, it is suggested that horse shows, carnivals, fetes, etc., be organised at as many parks as possible in conjunction with local organisations, as in previous years.
The Committee’s instructions are desired.

King’s Heath Park – Proposed Baby Show
13209   Resolved:-   That, having regard to the considerations involved as set out in the foregoing report, the application of Mrs. C.M. Baker to hold a Baby Show and Children’s Fancy Dress Parade in the Summer Theatre at Kings Heath Park during the 1953 Entertainments Season, be not acceded to.

Entertainments in the Parks 1953
Suggested Programme
13211   Resolved:-   That entertainments be provided at the following parks during the 1953 Season in accordance with the programme suggested in the foregoing report, namely:- King’s Heath, Rookery, Ward End, Small Heath, Sparkhill, Aston, Summerfield and Handsworth and that open-air entertainments be provided at the following parks in accordance with the suggestions contained in the foregoing report, namely, Muntz, Lightswood, Cannon Hill and Sparkhill Parks.
13212   Resolved:-   That horse shows, carnivals, fetes, etc., be organised at as many parks as possible in conjunction with local organisations during the 1953 Season on the lines of previous years.

1st December 1952 – Parks Department (Operations Card 55 D2)
Minute 13109 of 1st December 1952 approved the action taken in connection with the money owed by Miss G. Summers (late tenant of Kings Heath Park House) viz. Sheriff’s Officer collected £10 and Miss Summers agreed to pay £5 per month in respect of the balance outstanding.




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